Small gestures which mean much to one person in a time of joy or adversity an Random Act of Kindness can literally change a moment in time.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2 


How can you impact the world with Random Acts of Kindness during this season?

  •  Donate used books to a shelter, literacy program, or to a new mommies in your neighborhood that would love to read to her new baby.
  • Help someone whose car is broke down, you will never know when you face the same challenge.
  • Do you have many gifts and talents?  Offer a free service to someone who is in need, If you teach piano give a free lesson to a child or adult that yearns to learn music.  If you have the gift of organization, help someone clean their office or get things in order in their kitchen to make things easier on them.  You never know what doors will open up when you give your best to someone just because.
  • The elderly need your help.  I remember last year I was leaving work and an elderly woman walked next to me after being released from the hospital.   She was by herself, no ride home, and was unsteady in her gait.  I  followed that woman all the way until I knew she was safe to get on the train, even though she told me she was okay.
  • Going over the bridge?  I know toll is up to $5.00 in our area, but what a blessing to give to the person in back of you by paying their toll.  If it were me, I would be smiling ear to ear.
  • Simple phone calls make a difference!!!  Reach out and call someone who you have not talked to in a while and just ask them how things are going and be a listening ear.  Caring is sharing and sharing your time is an awesome RAK!
  • They laugh at me because I have a magazine ministry, haa.  It started when a family member that was an avid reader suddenly was admitted to the hospital and all their ready material of course was home.  Because we do Vision/Dream Board workshops, I am always equipped with magazines so drove down to the hospital and delivered some fun magazines.  It keep the mind off all the noise and distractions in the hospital and gives them some new information.

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.
Og Mandino 

Today what can you do to be a blessing to someone during this holiday season.

 Or get a pen and paper together and plan your RAK’s for 2013, whatever you come up with consider setting a goal to do Random Acts of Kindness, the reward is priceless

Rhonda Hammond

Christian Dream Coach

Don’t forget  ” When you Dream you allow others to Dream”